Hello, World!

poker gameHi, I’m J.J. and this is my new blog about online casinos. In the past, I’ve collaborated with other online authors helping them create new content for their sites dedicated to all things gambling but this is the first time that I create a site on my own. I decided to do it because I’m a huge fan on casino games and at the same time I’m eager to find out if I can do the whole site creation and maintenance thing by myself. Well, obviously I got a hold of the creation part, we’ll see how it goes with the maintenance.

There’s one more reason which made me decide to make a blog about online casinos. I often read casino and games reviews before I decide to play at a new place or try a new game and I know for a fact that there aren’t that many useful and well-prepared resources that you can trust when making this type of decision. This is due to the fact that most of this type of sites are created with the sole purpose of advertising certain online casinos. Thankfully, though, there are some really nice websites which give you the facts as they are and these are the type of resources I will be recommending here. But back to the topic, the lack of more useful and honest resources was yet another reason to make me embark on this journey. I hope that I will manage to accomplish my goal of helping new casino players by giving them the right tools to help them make the right decisions when playing online. I plan on doing that by providing you with useful, honest and well-research articles about online casinos and casino games in general. Also I hope I get to the point where I can add casino reviews and game reviews, but it’s too early to say if I’ll be able to. One thing I can promise is that I will do my best!

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